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Monday, March 5, 2012

Dating or mating

Dating or mating?

I am on a view dating sites and it's a joke!  I'm not sure if it's me but what happened to men being MEN?  You know, call a woman up, actually have a conversation, make plans for dinner or the movies.  Call the woman again, make plans for dinner or drinks.  Call the woman again for an intimate dinner or drinks.  THEN maybe move on to discussion for intimacy.  These men that I keep encountering start off with sex talk.  Am I so old now that the men I dated before no longer exist?  Did some sweep happen here in Los Angeles.  You know what I mean; a sweep of men who actually believe in romance for sex?  Tell me where those men are.  That is the man I want.

Or how about the men who claim to live locally but live in another country?  What is your surname?

Dating at 45 is scary enough, then add online dating at 45.  I will go one even further, dating at 45, online and being a plus size african american woman.  The percentage of available, honest, african american men who are interested in plus size women, online is probably 2-5%.  That's what i'm working with.  Yay me!

But you know what?  That does not deter me or make me feel there isn't someone out there for me.  I have a yearning in my heart and soul that awakens me at night.  I feel him so close to me in my dreams that I wake up still feeling the heat of his embrace.  Now for soul vibes to connect.  It will happen.  I feel it deep down in my spirit.